My sister gave me just over a pound of cherries, she had frozen them whole, and although I did toy with the idea of a cherry mille feuille, I thought jam might be better and longer lasting.

The jam is boiling away merrily now in my new maslin pan. I have wanted a maslin pan for years, and even though I have scoured the second hand shops looking for one, I never found one, so I decided to treat myself to one from
Amazon, as they had a very good deal on one.
Just potted the jam in one of my Le Parfait Jars, I love these, I don't have many, but I will, Oh yes I will! I know, I know, I didn't skim off the top, although I did add a knob of butter which seemed to disperse the scum, but when I potted it, back it came. Yet another lesson taught.

The finished article, all cleaned up, and ready to be eaten. I will probably make some scones for this, but on toast it is just perfect too.
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